Sacramental Preparation
MARRIAGE: The Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls requires a six-month preparation period for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Contact the the office secretary to make arrangements. The following documents aid in the order of the wedding Liturgy.
Wedding Planning Sheet 1st Readings Gospel Readings
2nd Readings Wedding Music Selections
BAPTISMS: Forms for Pastorate 9: Baptism Form and Godparent Forms
Congratulations on your new baby! Please call the Office Secretary to get your paperwork, instructions, and to let us know you would like your child to be baptized.
Before you can have your baby baptized you will need to fill out Baptism Form and Godparent Forms and watch the "Reborn" series (6 videos) on The Godparents will also have to join you and watch the episode titled, "The Gift of Godparents: More Than Cards & Presents" by Lucas Police. Reminder at least One of the Godparents must be a practicing Catholic.
Forms and videos need to be completed and to the office a minimum of ONE week prior to Baptism. Completed forms can be mailed, emailed, or put in the collection basket with “Attn: Office” on the envelope.
If this is your first child baptized in Pastorate #9 you will need to set up a brief meeting with the Pastor or Parochial Vicar. This can also be set up by calling the office.
P9 Monthly Baptism Schedule:
1. St. Mary’s: 4th Sunday of each month (AFTER 10:00am Mass)
2. St. Peter’s: 4th Sunday of each month
3. Sts. Simon & Jude: 2nd Sunday of each month
4. St. Joseph the Worker: 3rd Saturday of each month
First Reconciliation: Students will receive instruction during their religious education classes, either at St. Mary School or in the Faith Formation program. If your child is not enrolled at St. Mary School or in Faith Formation, please contact Vicky Geraets.
First Communion: Students will receive instruction during their religious education classes, either at St. Mary School or in the Faith Formation program. If your child is not enrolled at St. Mary School or in Faith Formation, please contact Vicky Geraets.
Confirmation: Students will receive instruction during their religious education classes, either at St. Mary School or in the Faith Formation program. If your child is not enrolled at St. Mary School or in Faith Formation, please contact Vicky Geraets.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Adults interested in joining the Catholic Church, or those who are already Catholic but want to learn more about the faith, are welcome to attend RCIA classes held in the Parish Hall on Thursday nights at 7 pm from mid-September through Lent. All are welcome!